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Art l Paintings l Sculptures l Films
Directing and Producing films (Feature and Documentary)
List of Films:
1. Feature film: Prithvi (Bengali and Telugu), 78 mins. 2006
2. Feature film: Maati o Manush (The Soil and its people) Bengali,104 mins.
3. Documentary film: Surya Prakash - A journey through Life and Art, English,
22 mins. 2012
4. Documentary film: Nandan Mela, Kala-Bhavana and Santiniketan -
A collective spirit, English, 36 mins. 2013
5. Documentary film: Frozen in Time. Made on my artworks.
Google Drive link of the film:
Feature film: Prithvi (Bengali and Telugu), Directed by Sisir Sahana, Produced by PRSH Creations. 78 mins.2006
Google Drive Link of the film::
Feature film: Maati-o-Manush (The Soil and its people),
Bengali, Produced and Directed by Sisir Sahana 104, mins.2009.
Google Drive link of the film:
Documentary film: Surya Prakash - A journey through Life and Art (English), Produced by L V Prasad Eye Institute, Directed by Sisir Sahana, 22 mins. 2012
Google Drive link of the film:
Documentary film: Nandan Mela, Kala-Bhavana and Santiniketan - A collective spirit (English), Produced and Directed by Sisir Sahana, 36 mins. 2013
Google Drive link of the film:
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